resilient safe
We SUpport schools to:
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We aim to give your school assurance through our process within 4 weeks
Does your school have a psychosocial hazard risk management plan (PSHRMP) in place?
Are you confident with the process of collaboratively developing your PSHRMP and responding to a PIIR?
Does your school have controls and strategies to promote psychosocial resilience and prevent psychological injuries in the workplace?
Would you like expert guidance around these WHS policy and legislative requirements?

RSO Consulting supports schools to legislative compliance in record time.
Interviews: Data analysed, presented to staff for comment, narrratives and perspectives gathered
Assess: Key hazards identified, prioritised and risk assessed, written into plan
Identify existing controls through examining processes, procedures and practices, identify gaps, co-design additional controls aimed at work design, work culture, personal resilience.
Finalise: PSHRMP now in place (Compliant to legislation). Consultation for responding to PIIRS.
Ongoing: Leading edge tools and training solutions. Consultation as required.

CHoose your own adventure
Your school can choose any, or combination of, the services that we offer. From initial consultation, to developing a planned approach, to the RFAST introduction workshop for staff, or RSO specialist data collection tools. Or you might just choose to have us interview staff or run focus groups. Maybe you might just need support with the risk assessment process. We are here to support your school on your unique journey towards developing a Psychosocial Hazard Risk Management Plan, building connected resilience and psychosocial safety, and in the WHS space, in anyway you choose.
The best place to start is (rfast)

RFAST – Resilience First Aid Safety Training (2 hours – flexible delivery options) is the perfect way to kick off the collaborative process required by policy and legislation for the development of your schools psychosocial risk management journey. RFAST introduces staff to psychosocial hazards (measured through the JSECC) in the context of mental health promotion, prevention and personal resilience (Measured through the PR6).
There are significant challenges for school leadership teams in the beginning stages of introducing staff to psychosocial hazards. NOT WITH RFAST – Our approach wraps psychosocial hazard management in a positive package of connected resilience and psychological safety. Delve into the evolving world of mental health promotion and psychological injury prevention and learn how to create a safe, connected and resilient school culture through psychosocial hazard awareness.
rsO Objectives
The primary objective of the Resilient Safe Schools approach is to efficiently and effectively identify psychosocial hazards in schools and collaboratively develop and implement a Psychosocial Hazard Risk Management Plan in record time (we aim for 4 weeks).
We empower schools to rise to the challenge of ever increasing complexity, improving preventative approaches to mental health and progressing towards connected resilience with expert guidance, greater confidence and competence. Leading to evolving cultures of safety, connectedness and resilience.
Staff members will also be given the essential knowledge, skills, and strategies to effectively enhance their resilience across six critical domains: Vision, Composure, Reasoning, Tenacity, Collaboration, and Health. Individuals will learn how to cultivate a resilient mindset, manage stress and emotions, set and achieve meaningful goals, improve relationships, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
High Adversity resiliENce Training
For School LEadership
join us for the hart workshop specifically designed for deputies and principals
Principals and School Leaders are under enormous pressure as evidenced in the Australian Principals Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Survey 2023.
While violent assaults, threats, and bullying against the profession is on the rise, the top sources of stress for school leaders was the sheer quantity of work, lack of time to focus on teaching and learning, mental health of students, mental health of staff, and student-related issues.
Nearly half of the Principals surveyed reported being physically attacked in 2023, a staggering 78% increase from 2011 when the survey first started.
“The most alarming finding of the Survey is the proportion of WA principals who received a Red Flag email – with 50% of all WA principals identified as being at risk of serious mental health concerns” Melissa Gillett – President WASSEA.
Day 1: F2F – State Buildings Perth. 8.30 – 3.30
Self paced online learning, 2 hours per week over 2 weeks, check in phone call
Day 2: F2F – State Buildings Perth. 8.30 – 3.30
Download Brochure for more details. Select date and register below.
Includes RFAST training, HART Certification, PR6 , JSECC and PSI-360 assessments, ongoing LEAP Coaching – to rocket you towards developing a whole school PSHRMP (Psychosocial Hazard Risk Management Plan)
Psychosocial Risk Plan
A documented working PSH Risk Management Plan
Focus on school strengths, documenting current good practice
Focus on action – what is most important to work on & what can we do to improve
Balancing organisational and personal responsibility
Legislative compliance
Support for schools to be aligned with legislative and policy directions
An organisation is the sum of its parts – each school needs to do their bit
Preventative and proactive approaches to mental health support
Don’t wait until after facing a crisis…
Personal resilience
Immediate access to PR6 report – Includes individual and whole school for the 6 domains
Full description of each domain
Individual access to AI driven micro learning App
Leaderboard for fun engagement
benefits for your school
Increased Engagement
Resilient employees are better equipped to handle workplace challenges, leading to higher levels of productivity and efficiency.
Improved support
Fostering resilience helps create a more positive and supportive work environment, resulting in higher employee engagement and job satisfaction.
Enhanced adaptability
Equip your team with the skills needed to navigate change, adapt to new situations, and effectively solve problems.

Stronger teamwork and collaboration
The process promotes better communication, trust, and collaboration among team members, fostering a more cohesive and successful work environment.
Reduced absenteeism and turnover
By supporting employees’ well-being and resilience, businesses can lower rates of absenteeism and employee turnover, saving costs associated with hiring and training new staff.
Strengthened school Culture
Investing in employee resilience contributes to a positive organisational culture, enhancing reputation and making it easier to retain and attracting staff.
*Determined by the scope of work
Consultation on each step as required
Whole Staff RFAST Workshop
Staff Interviews and Focus Groups
Whole Staff Assessments PR6, JSECC, PAW
Hazard Risk Assessment
Explore existing controls and and strategies as required
Working Psychosocial Hazard Risk Management Plan
Psychosocial Hazard Plan Development Process Report
Ongoing Consultation and Support as Required
*Choose any one, or combination of services we offer
Individualised Reports for staff members using the pr6
This is one of the most robust models of wellbeing that we have found. The PR6 assesses the domains of vision, composure, reasoning, health, tenacity and collaborations. To think that we have tried to leverage change from a single element. Mindfulness, they say, will make the difference. You just have to breathe properly. A better way to robust resilience is formed on the foundation of the 24 skills. In essence developing resilience is the pathway to wellbeing.

Imagine a school culture where each staff member has enhanced skills in the 24 components of the Predictive Resilience 6 model. A school culture where connected resilience and psychological safety are valued and supported at all levels. Where conversations around strengths and resilient skills spotting are the norm. A school that becomes a beacon for the community, amplifying mental health promotion and psychological injury prevention. A culture that is infectious and spreads outward, influencing the community in a vital and action oriented way.
Individual Benefits
1. Enhanced resilience: Develop a strong foundation of skills and habits to effectively handle challenges, setbacks, and stress.
2. Improved mental and emotional well-being: Gain greater emotional regulation, adaptability, and a positive outlook on life.
3. Clearer vision and goals: Learn to set meaningful, achievable goals aligned with your personal values and long-term vision.
4. Better relationships: Strengthen social skills, communication abilities, and support networks to foster deeper connections with others.

5. Healthier lifestyle: Create sustainable habits around nutrition, sleep, and exercise to support a healthy body and mind.
6. Increased confidence: Build self-esteem and belief in your ability to overcome challenges and achieve personal goals.
7. Greater life satisfaction: Experience a heightened sense of fulfillment and overall happiness through enhanced resilience and well-being.